
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Introduction to Morphogenesis
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Get yourself unlocked! Your physical biology contains a treasure chest of cellular encoding that holds the template to your eternal magnificence. It's time to get your body universe released from the ironclad chains to experience a different reality of a much more colossal measure.
Morphogenesis is an experience of sacred alchemy triggered through the elixir of expanded perception!

Monday Mar 16, 2015
Program Summary ~ Opening the Seals
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015
MORPHOGENESIS is an educational curriculum designed to accelerate your transition into an evolved blueprint referred to as, the Avatar Consciousness. An Avatar is recognized as a sort of 'superhuman' due to the actualized supernal knowledge and mastery over the human program.
We are opening the biological 'Crystalline Seals' through a series of synergistic unlocking mechanisms purposed to activate dormant DNA encoding. This is an alchemical formula developed around a systematic process of release from the main carnal blocks that keep you bound to the human story.

Monday Mar 16, 2015
What are the Crystalline Seals?
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Certain expanded perceptions hold the master key to unshackle the body and by way of the internal 'crystalline seals'. These energetic seals comprise the frequency overlays that give passageway to the dormant DNA programs that are tightly coiled up, lying within the chromosomal strands.
These are 'seals of perception' that live in the dynamics of our ever-changing consciousness. When we expand into seeing the bigger picture, a domino effect of activations occurs within the biological body.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: Welcome to the Seal of Coherence
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
This is a very important first module! The Seal of Coherence is the foundational overlay to our biological mutation and the one that, when opened, creates a needed vibrational base for the synergistic unlocking of all of the other Seals.
Again, these seals within us are portals of consciousness that we are activating and expanding through as a pathway to actualize our greater potential. Opening this seal helps you to:
- Integrate the Greater Self into your physical expression
- Recalibrate your entire energy body so that you can embody the vibration of oneness, permanently.
- Build stronger coherence with your whole-listic self as a vast, multidimensional creator being.
- Know that YOU are the creator of your reality and all of its reflections.
- Learn how to tap into the same power that drives the entire universe.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: You are a Microcosm of the Macrocosm
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
By consciously uniting your microcosmic self with the macrocosmic whole, a supreme union is achieved. It is then that all things are made possible. Through coherence, you learn how to use your connection consciously to tap into the same power that drives the entire universe.
- When you see yourself as a 'web of awareness', the brain rewires itself to be a more precise receiver of the frequencies that mirror your truer vibration. Your reality becomes more and more crystallized along a particular frequency attunement of coherently connected consciousness.
- As a result, all other things naturally fall away that are not of that vibration. You shift into a new matrix… with new dreams, new visions and many amazing synchronicities that meet your every emanating thought.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: You are God in the Flesh
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
It is vitally important to remember that you are not separate from God, as Source Consciousness. You never have been and never ever will be. This is impossible. You are an individualized consciousness that resides inside the body of omnipresent awareness. You are within God and God is within you. You are one unified whole.
Ponder this deeply. At all times, you are contained inside the body of perfection, of incomprehensible love, and benevolent grace!

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: Your Consciousness is Eternal
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
Remember, your consciousness resides inside the body of God awareness. You are eternal and free. You exist and will always exist, changing forms many times. There is only life. The idea of human death is merely a transition into other forms of consciousness and realities.
- It is to absolutely know, without any fiber of doubt, that you do not die and neither are you reborn.
- Your consciousness is vastly interconnected and it is eternal. The body simply falls away when it is no longer needed in a physical reality experience.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: You Exist Now
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
Perceive and know your self in the purity of presence. When you do, your limitless nature can be discovered. You can free yourself from the mind that wants to define reality through the past or the future.
This is one of the most important keys to strengthening coherence with your whole-listic biological self. Know your self as a vast, multidimensional being who continually recreates itself into timeless realities on many levels of vibration.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: Group Mind is your Greater Aspect
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
Your personality is impermanent; therefore, it is not real. It is only a minuscule reflection of its inclusive nature within another more expansive umbrella. The only real, lasting substance is that part of your consciousness that pristinely vibrates to an all-encompassing group tone. In essence, you are part of a bigger conglomerate comprised of many souls.
- Through this program of Morphogenesis, you will learn how to connect to and maneuver from your higher mind.
- Your higher mind is a group mind, and this group mind is your greater aspect of Self.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: Your Body is a Universe
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
Your body is an entire ecology that has the ability to bring about accelerated biological evolution. This is done through coherence with your total self, and attuned loving thought given to that 'totality' of self. This is a main key to unlocking the power to self-actualize into anything you want to be.
- Always remember, your consciousness does not reside inside the body. The body is held within the consciousness!
- You are the creator of your physical reality, including your very own bodies. Therefore, you have the ultimate governance over all of the activities that take place in your physical form.

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Module 1: Reality is a Reflection of Your Beliefs
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to guided audio meditations for this module
The meaning that you choose to give life, completely determines what kind of a story you will experience. Life is a direct product of your definitions about it! YOU are in control of its mirror by what you perceive to be true.
As a powerful creator, to change any pictures in your manifesting reality, simply shift the thought that holds the belief in place.
- Reality reflects your state of mind.
- State of mind is the fuel to manifestation.
- As you perceive, life expresses.

Sunday May 10, 2015
Module 2: Welcome to the Seal of Perception
Sunday May 10, 2015
Sunday May 10, 2015
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
The purpose of this next module is to help you break free from the prison of perception that keeps you confined to self-limiting thought programs. We keep ourselves bound up by what we see with our eyes and by what we can touch, smell and hear. We have been greatly limited by what is rationalized and logically understood.
Through this second module, you will learn how to:
- Break free from the mold of the polarized perception.
- Move beyond the boundaries of the five human senses.
- Bridge the brain with the knowing mind
- Attune to you multidimensional energy hologram.
- Make transition into a new thought structure.
- Self-actualize expanded sense perception

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Module 2: Physical Reality is a Frequency of Vibration
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
While it seems to appear impenetrable, physical reality is not real. It is purely a frequency of vibration. We are now removing the convincing perceptual lens that locks us into the loops of conditioned belief. Most limitations in life are created based upon all of the materialized appearances that we see and regard as real. Physical reality is only what you make of it.
Everything is energy; everything is malleable; everything is you. Outer reality always reflects the inner reality and the perceptions that are held within the consciousness. We are only projecting this experience called physical reality. It is not happening “to” us but through us.

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Module 2: Life is made up from Projections of Consciousness
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Consider that we exist inside a program that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is. As the main viewer, we are essentially living out our own version of a virtual reality game. This experience is being played out within a matter bubble that is constantly reflecting back to us, our thought vibration. Everything around us represents the thoughts that we have emanated into this creation field.
You are really just a miniscule extension of your higher vibratory self, expressing itself in a slower vibrational state. Face it, you are only a projection of consciousness. So, have fun with this and see how far you can go with the highest thoughts that you can imagine!

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Module 2: You are a Creator God in Training
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Physical reality reflects of the strongest idea that you have of yourself. This is why it is said that all realities lie within you. You do not exist in physical reality. It exists within you. Belief, emotion and thoughts form the ego structure that allows you to function as a physicalized representation of your vast consciousness.

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Module 2: Your Real Mind is not located in the Brain
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Our consciousness has been trained to perceive through the five human senses. This has prevented us from tapping into other worlds or dimensions that exist just beyond the range of our normal perception. We are unaware of them because our minds are not consciously vibrating at these higher levels.
To open the seal of perception, the one belief that must disintegrate concerns how we view the consciousness as something that is inside our body, perhaps located somewhere in the brain. We are multidimensional beings! Our consciousness exists outside of the physical body, even outside of the physicalized world. It transcends time and space as part of the one quantum mind.

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Module 2: How to Thrive with your Higher Mind
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Through the program of Morphogenesis, we are learning how to gracefully evolve our consciousness through the higher senses, those that open as we embrace more expansive views. As 'Divine Humans'; we function through both the human senses and a more refined sensory mechanism that develops as a result of the opening crystalline seals.

Tuesday May 12, 2015
Module 2: Developing Expanded Sense Perception
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Inherent within us are certain mental faculties designed to bridge our human consciousness into the expanded realms of the multi-dimension. These divinely attuned instruments assist us to see beyond the form and to interpret our environment from a completely different feedback mechanism.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: Welcome to the Seal of Encodement
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module...
The purpose of this module is to get you moved beyond the body's 'memory fields' that keep you bound to a limited blueprint, one that has been programmed by hereditary traits, belief systems and human habits.
Through this third module, you will:
* Recode, repattern and reprogram your energetic matrix.
* Self-empower the activation of your body of light.
* Install your higher dimensional energy system.
* Connect more of your crystalline circuitry.
* Recode the DNA and activate dormant DNA substance.
* Build a stronger life force energy field.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: The Emerging Crystalline Harmonic
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Like the caterpillar in a chrysalis, crystallization is a vibration achieved through a very personal metamorphic process. I am sharing about a transition into fearless living… one that is held in the arms of love at all time. This brings us into heighten states of clarity and impeccability. As clarity increases, we are able to more fully access the spectrum of DNA encodement to expand into a vaster expression of beingness.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: Building your Crystalline Matrix
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
The next rung for all of us on the evolutionary ladder is to make transition into multidimensionality, which means that we can perceive beyond the veil of the physical world. To do this, we have to be supported through a different type of energy body makeup, that is, shall we say… less dense and one that can hold the more subtle and finer vibrations.
Many people on the spiritual path call this the light body. This type of blueprint refers to an energetic biochemistry that supports expanded DNA structure. It is a crystalline or silica-based, spirit body that electromagnetically links your human self with your higher, etheric counterpart.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: Recoding the DNA
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Positive shifts of perception and new feeling states trigger DNA activation. Moreover, when we consciously engage with the living intelligence of DNA, it gets majorly stimulated and starts pushing out the greater potential that is held within the latent code.
Just as we are merely sequences of a four-letter code, the basis of life is very simple. We change and transform all the time. We are constantly redefining ourselves. From every one of these consciousness shifts, we are literally changing our code. As we shift our perceptions, cell biology changes. Our vibration increases. DNA base letters rearrange.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: Self-Empowered DNA Activation
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
DNA Activation helps you to actualize more of the Greater Self into the physical form. You are advancing into a pristine attunement with all different levels of dimensionality… of yourself! This is done by consciously tapping into the templates that will allow the DNA strands that exist physically within you, to become more fully aligned.
This will assist the body to build stronger neurological circuitry with ability to translate higher dimensional etheric energy into physical expression.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: Activate your Bliss Blueprint
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Bliss illumines a clear path back to the totality of your God Self. One could say that the idea of enlightenment is simply to vibrate yourself as a bliss driven blueprint. If you can do this, you are in union with the vibration of All That Is.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Module 3: Live According to your Preferences
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Welcome to the Seal of Resonance
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
This module is packed with juicy information and its overall purpose is to give you very practical ways to put yourself through a genuine dimensional consciousness shift, on all levels. This is not just in your awareness, but also in your entire energetic bio-field and physical reality. You are shifting now into immortal morphic resonance and a completely different matrix of sustainable living.
Get ready, because this greater shift is upon you.

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Everything is here and now, all dimensions are simultaneously present. Your vibrational resonance determines what dimensional matrix you choose to place yourself into.

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Morphic Resonance Challenges
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Within the human body, this shifting of systems presents some very sensitive challenges. Mixing 'new patterns of organization' with old memory fields can create some disorder especially if we are dealing with corrupted scripts that are cemented into place by the genetic code. The body's communication systems can get confused as to where to read the code and what string of information contains the correct sequence...

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Practical Ways to Shift Resonance
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
It seems that in order make this transition into a new energetic life matrix, our memory fields have to shift to such a degree that we are no longer living in the patterns that define us as cultural, or, control us through a rigid linear reality.

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Upgrading Biological Feedback
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
The body is a divine instrument, it knows how to evolve, it knows how to convert sunlight to power up the body. We just have to give it tiptop energetic support and clear messages of where you are directing it to go. We also have to listen to the body.
Keep in mind that your etheric body is working closely with the physical body. Everything is happening first in the etheric. Keep programming your intentions and desired resonance into your spiritual self. It will eventually manifest into the physical much quicker than you may think!

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Release Habitual Patterning
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
We must exercise our vigilance to shift beyond our own habits of third dimensional thinking to completely embrace the new multidimensional operating system. Often, our habits can be so ingrained in everyday life that we are not even aware of them.
When it comes down to the way we think, it always defaults to the memorized pathway that we have always thought about something. So, we have to catch ourselves in the action, cancel it and then create a new pathway… right there on the spot! If you have already sent the thought out, call it immediately back to you and cancel it with your determination.

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Module 4: Be Guided by Synchronicity
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Be guided through positive synchronicity. This is the direct message from the universe that you are exactly where you need to be and this thing or that person is showing up to reflect your highest alignment. You are in vibrational resonance with the unified field.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Welcome to the Seal of Still Point
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
This next module of MORPHOGENESIS helps us to step on to a pathless path and to reveal our power from the void. We learn how to serve as an empty cup and from internal stillness, one of greatest self mastered states that there is.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Relaxing Polarity - Absolute Consciousness
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
The habit of always regarding the bigger picture can be developed and practiced, so that the consciousness remains attuned, at all times, to the truer and more real nature of your being. The idea is to learn how to expand your self to rise above the human condition. This is to learn how to live truly as an observer, first, and to simply be the witness to all that is rising and falling.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Relaxing Polarity ~ All is a Reflection
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
If you perceive from a highly charged, extreme point of view, then certain people and situations that come into your life will reflect back to you this polarized perception. This choice comes with a lot of conflict and drama. If, on the other hand, you are holding the vibration that represents oneness and genuine compassionate love, you will attract to yourself individuals and situations that also share in this vibration.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Relaxing Polarity ~ Be a Neutralized Pillar
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
As the circumstance unfolds, not matter what it looks like or feels like; keep yourself balanced in the calm neutrality of it all rather than immediately giving your opinion to it, qualifying it one way or another. Just pause. Count to 10 if you have to. Just allow these situations to percolate in the consciousness. You are the detached witness. As challenging as this might be in more intense situations, keep practicing your ability to remain neutral rather than jumping to conclusions, or immediately assigning meanings to things. Respond by not responding.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Relaxing Polarity ~ Be Here and Now
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Free yourself from the mind that wants to define reality through the past or the future. When you hold clear definitions of who you are from the present moment, things start to get really aligned. Now is where you exist. When you are at home now, anyone, any situation and all synchronicity know exactly where to find you.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Emptiness is the Alchemical State
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Nervous System Recalibration
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
In this biological morphogenesis, the nervous system is being rebuilt. We are receiving a new electrical system that is wired differently so that we can operate from different grids of attunement and vibrate faster. This can be extremely intense, especially with those people who are neurologically sensitive or in others who have imbalances in the physical, emotional or mental bodies. These types of changes always come with phases of detoxification. It can be both physical and energetic as we constantly clear out the old database that upholds fear programming.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Module 5: Natural Solutions to Energy Recalibration
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
It is a known fact that when the nervous system is calm and relaxed, the body’s self-repair mechanisms function at their best. When we are shifting and changing so fast, calm strength and stillness in the body greatly supports electrical system upgrade. A constantly changing cellular structure also requires constant recalibration of our flows of energy. Recalibration means to give the body space for it to settle into new coordinates as it shifts and changes.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Welcome to the Seal of Fusion
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
This module of Fusion opens the lock that has kept a false program of core separation in place. We are reconnecting into a 'whole brain' expression as a Divine-Human and one that initiates a brand new human genetic of greater intelligence.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Changing the Duality Lens
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Any and every way that your vision and dreams reflect to you the understanding of your coherently connected self, this will be reflected in your external world. When you realize that you are a part of the whole, then the influence of that whole is what will support you most easily and most effortlessly.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Transcending Duality Perception
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Transcending duality is perhaps our greatest challenge yet one that can be overcome through the development of divine perception through constant observation and keen discernment in how we are qualifying both our talk and our walk. One of our greatest services that we can give to life is to simply be a bright beacon and neutralizing pillar while selflessly invoking Divinity... to be in this world, but not of it.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Reunion with our Gender-Balanced Self
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
The expression of the balanced human blueprint is to acknowledge and express a high degree of both feminine and masculine traits. There is 'whole brain functioning', meaning that the hemispheric halves are united and functioning in harmony, one supporting the other. We are living our most authentic self and able to cognize through a unified posture.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Transmuting the Distorted Gender Imprint
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Reconnection to "whole brain" function, with both mind and heart operating as an integrated unit, is a vital process to this heated issue of gender equality. As we fuse and synthesize our own gender identification into a unified whole, we begin to experience the infinite bliss that is available to us through our connection to the sacredness of life. Our sexual desires smooth and harmonize as well, rather than being approached from a more forcing animalistic response. Sexuality and pro-creation occurs through the impulse of pure loving thought in union with God Source.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Simultaneous Existence, Part I
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
As the human aspect, the vibrational frequency that you choose to exist upon at the physical level, determines the sequence of events in your physical life. Events come into your life because you are tuned into the belief structure that represents that sequence. You have been programmed to perceive things from causes and effects that live along a linear sequence. Yet, all things are actually occurring simultaneously, co-existing in a big pool of potential.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Module 6: Simultaneous Existence, Part II
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
The past, present and future are one. Our self as the past, the present and the future, all exist right now. We do not exist in a construct of linear time, where there is one year after another or one lifetime after another. By fusing these timelines into one, we can recreate our past to influence our present and shape our future. Consider what this could mean!

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Welcome to the Seal of Transcendence
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Our next and final module of the MORPHOGENESIS program regards one of the greatest perceptual shifts that we can ever make as an evolving human. This has to do with transcending the concept that we call 'time'. We are opening the Seal of Transcendence by learning how to maneuver across the great divide and into a more spatial existence.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Shifting from the Code of Time
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Time, as we define it, is an illusion. We are continually controlled by its energetic tick tock. Stepping outside of time is indeed possible but only if we can change our definitions about it. Many physicists do not regard time as a “passing” or that time is a sequence of events that occur. Instead, they see that time is malleable and all is actually happening at the same time. All realities exist simultaneously. All possible experiences for you exist right now.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Upgrade Your Vibrational Timelines
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Transcending our perceptions about time brings us right to the threshold of our departure from the pull of the matter-bound human dimension. When you identify solely with your physical world, you are living in the time-space illusion. When you identify and vibrate with expanded dimensions of consciousness, you move out of the box and into more fluid realities. You develop the ability to be aware of, and operate within, multiple dimensions simultaneously.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Create a 'Here and Now' Timeline
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
Through the power of our intention and attention, we can direct our thoughts to re-script the reality that is bound by time into the infinite multi-dimensional landscape that it truly lives. We must first ascend beyond our own habit of third dimensional thinking to completely embrace the new operating system that perceives reality through a multi-dimensional viewing lens.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Acknowledge Your Parallel Universe
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
All things are actually occurring simultaneously, co-existing in a big pool of potential. Every possible idea that you could have and every decision that you could make already exists. There is already a "probable you," thinking it and moving in that direction.
Every thought or idea that you have previously made or were even projecting has spun off and now exists in another parallel version of reality. All of these timelines are moving together, as one. All reality exists now. In considering the totality of your consciousness, you are experiencing many parallel realities, simultaneously.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Severing the Time Linkage
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module
To release yourself from the code of time, sever all time linkage and continuity. Perceive every single moment as its own reality. Do not link things together from linear perspectives. Change your ideas that "this has to happen first before that can be accomplished." You will start to see lapses in time and space and be able to leap over certain steps. You can manifest things without having to go through all of the steps that you were once accustomed.

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Planetary Service in Timelessness
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Module 7: Morphogenesis Closing Remarks
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
with Tiara Kumara...
Our complete transcendence from duality is paramount to catalyze many new and positive reflections that are so needed in our world today. When we change, our outer world changes too and pretty soon, this trendy lifestyle of human morphogenesis will be world scale. Always remember that when we focus all of our thoughts, words and actions on the highest good of all, we are operating in alignment with the Universe, and we begin to live, perceive and create from the Divine Consciousness within.
Many blessings of grace on your forward journey of morphogenesis.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2016

Tuesday Oct 11, 2016

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017

Friday Jan 12, 2018

Friday Jan 12, 2018

Wednesday Jan 24, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Mar 03, 2018

Saturday Sep 08, 2018

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019

Monday Mar 04, 2019

Thursday Dec 19, 2019

Thursday Jan 30, 2020

Monday Mar 02, 2020

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020

Sunday Jun 07, 2020

Sunday Aug 02, 2020

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020

Sunday Sep 06, 2020

Monday Sep 28, 2020

Monday Oct 05, 2020

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

Monday Nov 02, 2020

Monday Nov 02, 2020

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020

Saturday Dec 05, 2020

Saturday Dec 05, 2020

Saturday Dec 05, 2020

Sunday Dec 06, 2020

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Freedom Flame Transmission
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
This timely transmission gives immense assistance to the tumultuous events currently in outplay in the USA and around the world. Our victory in the light is assured, however, there is a great and wobbly bridge to cross. On behalf of beloved Saint Germain, this calls in the light brigade to help bring in the needed reinforcement to a most critical passage. Please help with all your might, with all your prayers and invocation for Divine Intervention. Please constantly make those calls, every day, to bring support, protection, strength and illumination to all those who are working so hard to bring the needed balance and reformations to the Earth.

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Exorcising the Global Demonic Force
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
This transmission gives substantial support to help transmute the forces of division and hatred that propels the corrupt power structure existing in our world. This especially concerns those with intention to dominate and enslave humanity. As a Group Avatar aligning to the Law of One, we are wielding the Christ flames of love, mercy and compassion to bring instantaneous transmutation to this building destructive energy now unleashing in full force in our precarious world. We serve only as pure channels and invokers of divine intervention. Our call compels the answer in accordance to Divine Will and the highest good of the human race.

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021

Sunday Feb 07, 2021

Monday Feb 08, 2021

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021